When The Electorate Defeated The ‘ElITE

Graham Charles Lear
4 min readApr 29, 2019


Tired of fighting? Here’s some inspiration for all Brexiteers

One of the things which has pleasantly surprised quite lot us in the last three years is the indefatigability of so many people who voted to leave the European Union in 2016.

Since the British people voted to leave the EU, we have all been subjected to an onslaught from an outraged Establishment. This started almost immediately, with a legal challenge by Gina Miller, and it continues to this day.

This week, Labour will decide what should appear on its EU Elections leaflets, with a ‘second/confirmatory/ People’s (Losers)’ vote being pressed hard by the more anti-democratic elements of the party.

“Oh no, not again?”

It would be so easy to give in to the sheer fatigue of fighting for the simple right to have our vote respected, as was promised by almost every Remain MP I can think of.

Instead, let’s re-inspire ourselves by remembering what we all took on, back in 2016. Below is a list of the Remain forces which were lined up against us.

(And, for any international readers, this really was the case. It was wall-to-wall brainwashing by the elites.)

This is only an indicative list and I sure that readers could add to it in every way. But it will suffice as a reminder of the sheer scale of Establishment opposition to a Leave vote.

UK Governments & Political Parties

The UK Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government, Labour Party, Lib Dems, Scottish National Party, Greens, Plaid Cymru, Ulster Unionists, Sinn Fein, SDLP, Alliance Party


The Prime Minister, Chancellor, Foreign Secretary, Home Secretary, Defence Secretary, and 19 other Cabinet Ministers (80% of Cabinet in total)

Other politicians and entities

74% of all MPs, the vast majority of the House of Lords, the TUC, Mayor of London, the Bank of England and the Treasury (unofficially), almost all senior civil servants and ambassadors (unofficially), the major City Councils including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield


HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, George Soros, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Chairman of Barclays, CEO of Lloyds


The CBI, City of London Corporation, the bosses of Ryanair, Easyjet, Marks & Spencer, Asda, Vodafone, BT, Virgin, and 36 of the FTSE 100 companies, 90% of economists, the Institute for Fiscal Studies, Lord Sugar, seven of the BBC’s ‘Dragons’, GlaxoSmithKline, Unilever, Michael Bloomberg, Charles Dunstone, Bill Gates, and more than 1,000 other business leaders

International financial ‘authorities’

The IMF, OECD, World Bank, G7, G20, European Central Bank, World Trade Organisation (Just think about that list for a second)


13 senior former Chiefs of Defence Staff and generals, the former heads of GCHQ and JIC, the former heads of police services, the Secretary-General of NATO, Head of Europol


The National Farmers Union and almost all other trades unions, Universities UK, National Union of Students, NHS Chief Executive, the Head of the Church of England, the Church of Scotland, Church of Wales, Head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and many other organizations in society


BBC, Sky News, and ITN, (all denied any bias), the Times and Financial Times (officially), and the majority of journalists (our opinion)


Sir Stephen Hawking plus 150 other Fellows of the Royal Society, 13 British Nobel laureates, the Astronomer Royal


All 20 Premier League football clubs, David Beckham, Arsene Wenger, Gary Lineker, Rio Ferdinand, Paula Radcliffe, Brian Moore, Lawrence Dallaglio, Bobby George, Ben Ainslie, and many more sports personalities


Elton John, Daniel Craig, Jude Law, Bill Nighy, Simon Cowell, JK Rowling, Jeremy Clarkson, Keira Knightly, Bob Geldof, John Le Carre, Helena Bonham-Carter, Danny Boyle, Benedict Cumberbatch, Matt Damon, Paloma Faith, Jamie Oliver, and hundreds more ‘celebs’ of all kinds, 96% of the Creative Industries Federation


RSPB, World Wildlife Fund UK, Heads and former Heads of other major charities including Save The Children

International Politics

The EU Commission, European Parliament, the 27 EU countries, President Obama, Hilary, and Bill Clinton, 8 former US Treasury Secretaries, Kofi Annan (United Nations), the Prime Ministers of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and India, the President of China, the Japanese Government and most other foreign governments worldwide

Remain outspent Leave by over 2 to 1

The government used £9.3m of public money to promote its propaganda

Almost £3m of the expenditure was for the internet and ‘online promotion’

If anyone tried to ‘buy’ this result, it was Remain

A key factor was that this mass-propaganda had the authority of the Government. It dissuaded a large number of ordinary voters whose natural inclination would otherwise have been to vote Leave. It tried to make Remain the ‘intelligent’ choice, and Leave was presented as the choice for losers.

In a democracy, the opinion that matters is that of the electorate, not the ‘elite

For the ordinary people of the United Kingdom to reject the state-sponsored attempt at brainwashing — including monstrous claims of dire consequences — and to vote for the opposite, was nothing short of a magnificent triumph for democracy.

It’s my contention that the final majority of 52% would have been far higher, had people not been quite understandably dissuaded from voting Leave by the disproportionately-powerful propaganda campaign by the Government and institutions.

I salute all readers who continue to believe in democracy, and who will never allow themselves to be defeated.



Graham Charles Lear
Graham Charles Lear

Written by Graham Charles Lear

What is life without a little controversy in it? Quite boring and sterile would be my answer.

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