What a load of codswallop
YOU Remainers / Rejoiners cite Economic growth is lower due to Brexit?
GDP growth has been higher in Britain than in the Eurozone since we left: in 2021 by 7.4% to 5.3%; and it is predicted by the IMF to be higher in 2022 (3.7% to 2.8%). If in 2023 it is lower (1.2% to 2.3%) than in the Eurozone — the one IMF forecast that Remainers are eagerly highlighting — this is because the Eurozone is belatedly catching up. Yet so far, the UK continues to outperform the EU: British GDP growth in the first quarter of 2022 was more than double that of the EU (0,75% to 0.27). Sources: International Monetary Fund [IMF], Office for National Statistics [ONS], Eurostat
In the wider global context too, UK growth remained above average: in 2021, it was 7.4%, compared with the average in all advanced economies of 5.2%. The IMF forecasts that UK growth this year will be 3.7%, compared with the advanced economies' average of 3.3%. Source: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2022/04/19/world-economic-outlook-april-2022
Prices of all UK imports from the EU showed no hike in the months following our exit from the Single Market. Since 2021, they have indeed risen: from March 2021 to March 2022 they rose 13%. But in the Eurozone, import prices have risen by nearly twice as much over the same period — by 25%. Sources: ONS and Eurostat
Industrial producer prices are presently increasing in the EU at double the rate of the UK Sources: Eurostat, ONS
Clearly, price rises in the UK cannot be blamed on Brexit when prices in the EU are rising as fast and often faster.
There has been a slight fall in our trade with the EU, but much of the decline is in the export of North Sea Oil because we are producing less, partly by choice. Exports of other goods, however, have not shown a fall, and from January 2020 to May 2022, Eurostar freight volumes rose by 5%. Sources: Sources: ONS and Getlink
If we take as an example trade with France, British exports between 2016 and 2020 followed a practically identical course with those of German exports to France; and since the end of 2020, British exports to France have significantly outpaced those of Germany. Source: Direction Générale des Douânes et des Droits indirects
Financial services exports — one of our major industries — have remained stable with the EU: in the last three months of 2021 they amounted to £6 billion — the same as for the same period in 2019, before Covid and when we were still in the Single Market. But our financial services exports worldwide rose over the same period from £13.6 billion to £14.8 billion. Source: ONS
In general, over the last decade, our trade has been rising six times faster with the rest of the world than with the Eurozone.
There are labour shortages around the globe — a consequence of the disruption caused by Covid. The Bank of France, for example, announced on 13 March that half of all French firms are suffering from recruiting problems. Source: Le Monde, 21 March 2022.
In Britain, the shortage cannot be blamed on Brexit, because the number of EU-born individuals in employment fell by only 20,000 between 2019 and 2022 — disproving stories of a mass exodus. Also, over the same period, people from the rest of the world with jobs in the UK rose by 440,000. Source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/datasets/employmentbycountryofbirthandnationalityemp06
It's quite clear from the evidence that Remainers / Rejoiners are not looking at the evidence and either dont care or are so brainwashed by the pro-European Union media and pro-European Union political parties that they dont want to look at the evidence.