Total UK exports climb by £240 billion in just four years, defying Project Fear completely

Graham Charles Lear
3 min readApr 27, 2024


The latest official figures show just how well the country is doing, now it’s independent from the EU

Yesterday (26 Apr 2024) the latest trade figures were released by the Office for National Statistics. As the ONS produced no narrative to accompany them, I looked at the analysis overnight and can reveal the excellent news to readers. The UK’s global exports have risen by 38.4% since leaving the EU, to a total of £864.5 billion last year (2023).

I have looked at exports of both goods and services and the picture for globally-facing Brexit Britain is very rosy. The results once again show that the UK is prospering outside the EU, despite all the apocalyptic threats from the Remain camp before the EU Referendum.

UK worldwide exports of goods and services, in the four years 2020–2023

1. To the non-EU world

2020 : £366.3 bn

2021 : £398.3 bn

2022 : £493.3 bn

2023 : £507.4 bn

2. To the EU27

2020 : £258.5 bn

2021 : £277.7 bn

2022 : £344.5 bn

2023 : £357.2 bn

[Source: Office for National Statistics, 26 Apr 2024, calendar-adjusted current prices.]

To Messrs Cameron and Osborne “Where’s that cliff edge we were supposed to fall off?”

When reviewing the latest trade figures in detail, I was unable to find any bad news at all. Despite all the headwinds from COVID-19 and the oil price hike caused by Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, the UK’s exports continue to surge.

As usual, readers will see nothing about this if they still watch BBC News, which is partly why many people continue to wish to rejoin the EU. Once again I call out the nation’s state broadcaster for its abject failure to present any positive news about the performance of Brexit Britain on the world stage.

I also call out the current Foreign Secretary, Lord David Cameron, the former Chancellor George Osborne, and the entire British and global Establishments for their wholly unjustified fear-mongering before the EU Referendum.

The simple fact is that the Government and the so-called ‘experts’ they roped in from the UK and from around the world all got it wrong back in 2016. It was the British people who got it right.

Here below is a SMALL taste of how well we are doing in trade with both the EU and the rest of the world.

UK=United States This factsheet provides the latest statistics on trade and investment between the UK and the United States. Date of release: 19 April 2024; Date of next planned release: 3 May 2024

UK=Germany This factsheet provides the latest statistics on trade and investment between the UK and Germany. Date of release: 19 April 2024; Date of next planned release: 3 May 2024

UK=Mexico This factsheet provides the latest statistics on trade and investment between the UK and Mexico. Date of release: 19 April 2024; Date of next planned release: 3 May 2024

UK=Italy This factsheet provides the latest statistics on trade and investment between the UK and Italy. Date of release: 19 April 2024; Date of next planned release: 3 May 2024

This report will be updated on 3 May 2024

Sources: Office for National Statistics -Trade and Investment FactSheet GOV-UK



Graham Charles Lear

What is life without a little controversy in it? Quite boring and sterile would be my answer.