Once again tomorrow (Monday) MPs will take over the business of the House of Commons, removing the Government’s control. Once again numerous anti-democratic motions have been tabled by MPs.
Despite the Weasil Bercow’s ruling that the Government cannot bring back a motion twice in the same session of Parliament, many of the motions on offer tomorrow are broadly the same as some which have previously been debated — as recently as last Wednesday.
Two pro-Brexit motions
A. Unilateral right of exit from the backstop
“That this House agrees that the UK shall leave the EU on 22 May 2019 with the Withdrawal Agreement amended to allow the UK unilaterally to exit the Northern Ireland backstop.”
B. No deal in the absence of a Withdrawal Agreement
“That this House agrees that, in the absence of a Withdrawal Agreement that can command the support of the House, the UK shall leave the EU on 12 April 2019 without a deal.”
Six anti-Brexit motions
As ever, the number of motions which attempt to thwart the will of the people as expressed in the EU Referendum far exceeds the number of MPs’ motions respecting the people’s decision to leave the EU.
Not only that, but the number of MPs putting their names to each of the anti-Brexit motions far outweighs the number of MPs whose names appear on the pro-Brexit motions.
The motion I believe most likely to succeed is the following:-
C. Customs Union
“That this House instructs the Government to:
(1) ensure that any Withdrawal Agreement and Political Declaration negotiated with the EU must include, as a minimum, a commitment to negotiate a permanent and comprehensive UK-wide customs union with the EU;
(2) enshrine this objective in primary legislation.”
The other five anti-Brexit motions are
D. Common Market 2.0
E. Confirmatory public vote
F. Public vote to prevent no deal
G. Parliamentary Supremacy
H. EFTA and EE
What will they vote on?
There is no way of knowing for certain which amongst the above eight motions will be selected for debate by Weasel Bercow, but it would be astonishing if Motion C on a permanent Customs Union were not chosen as one of them.
The reason for this is simple. Last week an equivalent motion was the closest to being passed on Wednesday, which was the first day that MPs took control of the House’s business. It lost by only six votes.
Germany alone made a net €41 BILLION from the UK last year.
The UK lost £105 BILLION in 2018 from being a member of the EU’s Customs Union.
The Customs Union option favoured by most MPs actually benefits most EU27 countries, NOT the UK. This data comes from the EU and is incontrovertible.
On Monday MPs will once again take control of the business of the House of Commons. I believe they will push for permanent membership of the EU’s Customs Union.
This would mean the UK couldn’t do its own trade deals around the world. This would not be Brexit. This runs counter to the manifesto promises of both the Conservative and Labour parties in the 2017 election.
Let's take a look at the country's that benefited most from the UK being in the Custom Union.
Germany £41 billion
Netherlands 2.1 Billion
Belgium 13.6 Billion
Italy 12.3
France 9.9
Poland 7.9
Spain 7.2
Czech 4.5
Denmark 3.2
Slovakia 2.5
The figures above show the balance of trade. This is the value of what they sell us, minus what we sell them. As readers can see, they sell us far more, which means they are earning out of the arrangement.
The total the EU27 countries earned in 2018 from the UK was €123 BILLION, (c. £105 billion pounds).
Angela Merkel needs us
Germany tops the list, of course. As a country, they sold us €82 billion euros of goods and they made €42 billion on the deal.
We believe that the figures for the Netherlands and Belgium are grossly distorted by the existence of those countries’ large ports, which is a technical argument.
Then you have Italy and France, each earning more from the UK last year than our supposed total ‘net contribution’ into the EU Commission’s budget. In effect, multiple whammies.
Most MPs haven’t got the slightest idea of the reality of the UK’s trading relationship with the EU27
Why do I say that?
Well, last week MPs from all political parties were going around asking savvier Journalists if they could tell them what the actual EU Customs Union was and what it did.
After three years of voting, one way or the other on Brexit very few knew what the blasted EU Customs Union was and what it entailed and only last week days before we were due to leave they thought to ASK
FGS? What a bunch of idiots we have elected, so far up their own backsides. so out of touch with both the people who vote them in and the EU. It beggars belief that they can even function getting up out of bed each morning without having a stroke.
If on the off chance a brain dead MP sees this article and still wonders what the Customs Union is
Here is a simplified version of what it is and what its function is .
The Customs Union effectively sets the costs of a lot of what you buy.
The Customs Union puts tariffs at an EU level on all imported goods. This means prices for consumers in the UK are higher than they need to be in a wide range of everyday items.
The Customs Union also prevents the UK from negotiating trade deals which benefit our own economy. The overall needs and priorities of British exporters are different from those of its continental neighbours, and the slow-moving EU bureaucrats work to protect those continental interests, not those of the UK.
Might as well show the idiots that we have elected what the single Market is and what it entails for the UK
The Single Market requires obedience to foreign laws
The Single Market requires the acceptance that a great many laws are made in Brussels. These rules, set by what is basically a foreign government, apply to all British businesses even though 88% of them do not trade with EU countries.
The rules also apply to people, not just to businesses. The EU has slowly expanded its powers to take in everything from what happens when you flick a light switch to how long it takes you to vacuum a carpet.
4. The taxes we pay — a fundamental of a sovereign country
Even taxes are now regulated in Brussels. Want to remove VAT on women’s sanitary products? No can do. Brussels won’t let your government do that.
The EU tax regime is set to be extended further, with advanced discussions on corporation tax and — even worse — a financial transactions tax. The latter is an example of regulation from Brussels that would specifically hit the UK, as it is the powerhouse of financial transactions in the EU.
Remain MPs must be a few sandwiches short of a picnic if they want to tie themselves to the EU unless of course, they have a vested interest in the EU.
[Source: Latest official EU Commission data for 2018 trade ]