Shocking events are taking place in Poland, with no complaints from the EU
Since the Polish election in October in which the former EU Council President Donald Tusk failed to win but was able to form a government due to a coalition, the state media has been shut down, normal democratic processes have been overturned, and its judiciary is now under even stronger political control than before.
Ex-Ministers thrown in jail
Two ex-ministers, Mariusz Kamiński and his former deputy Maciej Wąsik, have now been jailed after being detained at the presidential palace on Tuesday night and taken to prison to serve a two-year sentence.
Both ex-ministers have now gone on hunger strike in prison.
State media closed down, journalists fired
In December last year, some days after officially becoming Prime Minister, Mr Tusk announced that Poland’s public media would be taken over. He shut down the state broadcaster TVP Media and fired its management.
He did so via decree, thereby bypassing the regulatory bodies. Police then barred the way for staff trying to enter the building.
Can any reader imagine the BBC being shut down in such a way? (Even if some think this would be a good thing in the UK)
The most popular party in Poland is now denied a senior voice in Parliament
In October’s elections, the PiS (the previous government) won. They easily beat Donald Tusk’s party — enough to make them the government if they had been under the UK’s electoral system.
Polish election results Oct 2023
- The PiS and ‘the United Right’: 35.4%
- Tusk’s ‘Civic Coalition’: 30.7%
[Source: Polish National Electoral Commission, Oct 2023.]
Donald Tusk’s party could not even manage to get 25% of the votes. They ended up with 23.9% in the Senate and 23.1% in the lower house (Sjem).
However, because of the way coalition politics works in most EU countries — and it is immensely complicated in Poland — it was Donald Tusk who became Prime Minister.
In an unprecedented move by Donald Tusk, the role of Deputy Speaker — always given to the party which came second in the election — has been denied to the party which won the election, the PiS.
The EU Commission’s response
Poland is now under a strongly pro-EU government and it seems the EU Commission is delighted, regardless of the dictatorial measures now being taken by the new Polish Prime Minister — and ex-EU Council President — Donald Tusk.
The EU Commission’s response to all of this? On Friday 15 December last year, the EU Commission announced it was freeing up €5 billion of EU payments it had frozen under Poland’s previous eurosceptic government. It did so because Poland was once again following “the rule of law”.
“Special place in Hell” for Brexiteers
On 06 February 2019 EU Council President, Tusk held a press conference while at a Summit in Brussels with Irish PM Leo Varadkar where he said there’s “a special place in hell” for Brexiteers. He then tweeted it out
“I’ve been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan for how to carry it out safely.”
- Donald Tusk, EU Council President, 06 Feb 2019
It should be noted that he did not do this from his personal Twitter account. This Tweet went out from the official EU Council President’s account, and as such it carried official weight. Remarkably there was no formal British government protest from Theresa May’s administration at the time.
Ungentlemanly conduct
When it comes to his conduct, who can forget Tusk treating the then UK Prime Minister Theresa May with such incivility when he consigned her to a room to wait alone for his presence and ensured a camera was there to capture the moment?
There is no question but that Donald Tusk is anything other than an ardent Europhile. As unelected EU Council President from 2014 to 2019, he was the epitome of EU fanaticism. In that time he was of course the representative of the EU27 leaders during the negotiations with the then UK Government. Ironically this was a government led by a Remainer, presiding over a UK Parliament consisting mostly of Remainer MPs and Peers.
Interference in UK politics
Then a few months later in May 2019, Tusk urged Londoners to vote for the Change UK party in the EU Parliament elections. Readers will recall that Change UK was set up by disgruntled MPs campaigning for a second referendum, as they did not like nor accept the decision from the first one.
These MPs failed to stand down, preferring to stay in the House of Commons. In the end, it was led by Anna Soubry and it disappeared without trace some months later. All 11 of the MPs lost their seats in the 2019 general election.
Tusk’s interference in British politics knew no bounds, despite being EU Council President.
The man who kept “a special place in Hell” for Brexiteers is the new Polish PM
Exactly as I predicted back in October last year, Poland’s new Prime Minister is the Brit-hating Donald Tusk.
True to his nature that we all saw following the Brexit vote, Tusk is now exerting absolute control over his country. We can only imagine what is coming next. WE should consider this man to be very dangerous.
Throughout this shameful episode, the EU Commission has played along with this. Under the previous Polish government the Commission did nothing but criticise and take Poland to the EU Court (ECJ). Now that Poland is under Tusk’s pro-EU control, not only has there been no condemnation from the Commission and no action in the ECJ, but Poland has been rewarded by having billions of EU funds released to it.
As I have said on many occasions before, “you couldn’t make this up”.
What makes a person a dictator?
A dictator is an individual who forms a government where they make decisions without effective constitutional limitations. The dictator has absolute power. They are not held accountable for their actions and are free to do as they please, even limiting citizens’ freedom and rights.
This is how Dictators act
Politicians commonly demand arbitrary power to deal with a national emergency and restore order, even though underlying problems are commonly caused by bad government policies.
In hard times, many people are often willing to go along with and support terrible things that would be unthinkable in good times.
Aspiring dictators sometimes give away their intentions by their evident desire to destroy opponents.
Tusk ticks all the boxes when it comes to being a Dictator
Box tick number 1. for Tusk. Crave power. No self-respecting despot comes to power without having some sort of desire for power in the first place.
Box tick number 2. for Tusk. Once the desire for power is implanted, it leads to developing a plan to get that power, and then to develop a plan to get more power.
Box tick three for Tusk. Become self-centred. Josef “Man of Steel” Stalin and Saddam Hussein were noted for their narcissistic behaviour, as were many other strongmen throughout history. To be an effective dictator, you have to love yourself, because you can’t be sure anyone else will.
Box tick number four for Tusk. Espouse non-mainstream beliefs. Most of the great dictators of history, and many of the not-so-great, are remembered for their personal peccadillos and odd beliefs that set them apart from others.
Box tick number five for Tusk. Jail or murder any opposition
Box tick number six for Tusk. Take control of the State media so only your view is put out to the people
Sources: EU Commission | Polish National Electoral Commission