No surrender, or suck it up and live with it?

Graham Charles Lear
5 min readNov 4, 2019


Its become quite‘tense’ in recent weeks between two people and groups who want BREXIT.

What is causing the fuss?

It will not surprise regular readers that the cause of all the tension is the Prime Minister’s Brexit ‘deal’. Or to put it another way, a ‘Clean Break Brexit’ versus the ‘Boris Brexit’.

This has been thrown into sharp relief as a result of Parliament finally acceding to Boris Johnson’s insistence that a general election is needed. With this now agreed and with the election now under six weeks away, the issues surrounding the new Brexit agreement negotiated by the PM and his team have been thrown into sharp relief.

The choice now appears to be stark. Of the two main pro-Brexit parties, the Conservatives are naturally backing the PM’s ‘deal’ whilst the Brexit Party favours a clean break Brexit. Not one Conservative MP — not even members of the ERG — are doing anything other than toeing the party line. Not publicly, anyway.

Arron Banks and Leave. EU backs the Boris deal

The head of Leave.EU, Arron Banks has written an article in today’s Sunday Express, which many readers will have seen. In it he says:

“We should be under no illusion that the deal Boris negotiated with the EU is 95 per cent of Mrs May’s ‘surrender treaty’ but with some improvements on the backstop which just about make it acceptable.

“I would prefer a clean-break Brexit and then look for a free trade deal once we have recovered our leverage with the EU.

“However, I fear if we don’t leave the EU soon it will never happen. We reluctantly backed the Boris deal on the basis that we would leave the EU and after an election, he would win a large majority and ultimately be in a stronger position to go into the next phase of negotiations.”

Steve Baker MP and the ERG back the Boris deal

“I’m now at a loss to know what Nigel Farage wants to achieve. The reason every Conservative Eurosceptic MP backed the deal is that it can deliver a Brexit worth having.

“But Boris will only negotiate a great future for the UK if he has a good majority of resolute Conservative MPs. Nigel now risks that and our future.

“It is completely inconceivable that the Conservative Party would now go for no-deal and a pact.”

A principle, or hopeful pragmatism? No surrender, or suck it up?

I have said many many times since the Referendum campaign and from day one that the EU would never agree on a sensible termination agreement and that the UK should leave and then negotiate future trade terms.

Instead, Mrs May wasted nearly three years on arrant nonsense, leaving Boris Johnson with an existing text on which he could only achieve modest improvements. Had he had a clean sheet and more time, we are sure the result would have been radically different.

Still, we are where we are, as they say. And now voters are facing what appears to be a stark choice on 12 December.

Put simply, pro-Brexit voters must decide between principle or apparent pragmatism. No surrender, or suck it up on the basis it’s better than a Remainer Labour government, possibly in coalition with the Remainer LibDems, and/or Remainer SNP, and/or Remainer Greens and/or Remainer Plaid Cymru.

There’s still a long way to go

Elections often throw up surprises during the campaign — and in their end result — and perhaps never more so than in this decade. It might, therefore, be too early to be making decisions.

Then there is also the whole question of tactical voting which I am in favour of.

This is what I will be doing and my reason for doing this is quite simple.

People, where I live usually vote Labour, to theses people voting for a Tory candidate, is what I can only describe as a mortal sin. They hate the current leader of Labour they see him as a man that is stuck in the past, would ruin not only their lives but the lives of their children and grandchildren for decades if he and his Marxist comrades get anywhere near power.

This leaves them in a dilemma, as leave voters, they want to get the job done and leave, however, they know to vote for Labour is not getting anywhere need leaving and I suspect that rather than vote Labour and because to them its a mortal sin to vote Tory they would under normal circumstance abstain. However, this would still bring in a Labor MP as there are Labour Momentum students who will vote for Corbyn.

I on the other hand like them consider voting Labour a mortal sin, I also know that under normal circumstances my vote for my own party is again a wasted vote so again in normal circumstances like them I would abstain from voting.

This is were the Brexit party comes in. We know they are the only political party fully committed to getting us out of the EU. I know from speaking to people that Labour voters would be willing to vote Brexit Party I also again from talking to people know that Tory voters would team up on a one-off pact with Labour voters to vote for the Brexit party.

Call it neutral ground if you like. I would urge people in Labour-held leave areas to stand together on that neutral ground and hold hands to get Brexit over the line. It makes sure that there is a sure-fire majority in Parliament that can soundly defeat any Remain plot.

What you do in five years time is then up to you, and I would say this to any Labour supporter and voter. In five years time, Corbyn and McDonnell will not be around. I will make this prediction if we all vote in this one-off pact within a year Labour will have got rid of Corbyn and co and normal service will be resumed. I will also make this prediction in five years time the BREXIT Party will cease to exist. It makes sense to use them to not only get Brexit down but also to bring down Corbyn and co so Labour voters can once more vote in if its the country's wish a more moderate and sensible Labour PM.



Graham Charles Lear

What is life without a little controversy in it? Quite boring and sterile would be my answer.