New EU report exposes massive EU spend on migrants somehow resulted in a big increase in asylum-seekers.
With the BBC disgracefully refusing to let ‘Rule Britannia’ (see below for video) be sung at the Last Night of the Proms, many people are asking questions on many levels about the UK’s immigration controls and its control over its own waters. However, before even crossing the Channel, migrants first have to cross the EU. So what is the EU doing about this?
The Britannia statue in Portsmouth
Two weeks ago the EU Parliament updated its report entitled: “Asylum and migration in the EU: Facts and figures”. As this report has had no coverage in the mainstream media, felt it prudent that readers might wish to be informed of these “facts and figures” from the only elected body in the EU. I have also cross-referenced it with the EU’s February report on asylum seekers.
As ever, the EU’s own facts make for disturbing reading. Before I summarise the EU’s report, here is the current context for the UK.
To cross the Channel, France’s boat migrants had to cross many EU countries first
The Home Office now admits to over 5,000 illegal migrants have arrived by boat this year so far, having set off from the safe country of France to claim asylum in the UK. This does not include those who made it across undetected and then disappeared.
To get to the northern French coast in the first place, these migrants — many from countries such as Sudan — had to cross the Mediterranean and enter a southern EU country, typically Spain, Italy or Greece. So what has the EU been doing to control its borders?
The EU’s spending on migrant-related funds — according to the EU itself
EU’s “Financial instruments for external cooperation on migration” totals over £110bn since 2014
EU’s internal “Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)” total over €10bn
EU’s internal “Integrated Border Management Fund (IBMF)” totals €8bn
This total of €128bn does not include the EU’s massive ‘Cohesion Fund’ now being used for migrant ‘integration’ in many member states of the EU. The UK has only ever paid into the EU’s Cohesion Fund and has never been a beneficiary since it started.
In February, reported on the latest asylum numbers for the EU
A total of 743,575 people claimed asylum in the EU last year, 2019
That’s almost three-quarters of a million people, not including those who did not claim asylum but disappeared
The number of first-time asylum seekers in the EU rose by almost 12% last year
Some countries saw truly dramatic increases, eg Spain: 118%
The country showing the largest increase in first-time asylum seekers last year was Spain.
The EU’s “Financial instruments for external cooperation on migration”
The following table is taken from the EU Parliament’s report. I have only adjusted one figure as it is clearly double-counted. This reduces the total and I have used this reduced amount.
The report does not mention it but some of these funds are used for purposes other than migration management or prevention. Specifically, they are usually designed to subsidise non-EU countries as part of the EU’s empire-building strategy. Nevertheless, the report includes them in full, as part of the “Financial instruments for external cooperation on migration”, so we have used the EU parliament’s figures for this.
In an attempt to present a fuller picture, have added the EU’s internal programmes and associated budgets which are specifically aimed at the migration problem. Bizarrely these were not included in the EU Parliament’s report at all.
Finally, I have not included the massive amounts being spent by member states from the ‘Cohesion Fund’ which was never designed to deal with migration problems. If I included these the total would be much higher.
EU Parliament report on migration, 13 Aug 2020
€’s billions ns 2014–2020 Geographical scope
European Development Fund
£30.5 African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) partner countries of the EU and the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) of Member States
Development Cooperation Instrument
Geographical programmes (Latin America, Middle East and South Asia, North and South-East Asia, Central Asia); the Pan-African programme (Africa as a whole) (continental and trans-regional projects); and the thematic programme on migration and asylum (projects in key countries)
European Neighbourhood Instrument
South Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Israel, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Palestine) and Eastern Neighbourhood countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) either bilaterally or regionally (in this latter case Russia is also included)
Madad Fund (2014)
Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt and Syria
Bêkou Trust Fund
Central African Republic
European Emergency Trust Fund for Africa
The Sahel region and Lake Chad area, the Horn of Africa, North Africa and the neighbouring countries of the eligible countries may benefit from its projects. Note: the real total is €3.37bn but part of this is accounted for in other funds above.
Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance II
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey
EU Facility for Refugees in Turkey
European Fund for Sustainable Development
Africa and EU Neighbourhood region
2016 London Conference
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt
Brussels Conferences I and II
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt
€ 110.9 bn
EU countries — EU Internal Budget
€’s bns
Geographical scope
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
€ 10.4
EU member states
Integrated Border Management Fund
€ 8.0
EU member states
Use of Cohesion Fund for migrant purposes
EU member states — not yet quantified by the EU
€ 18.4
€ 129.3 bn
Is anything wrong with going back to previous ways if they were better than now?
It was traditionally the case that true refugees from barbaric regimes claimed asylum in the first safe country they reached. Now it seems that many migrants cross the borders of many safe EU countries, one border after the other, in order to try to claim asylum in a country with very generous benefit systems such as the United Kingdom.
Above I have used the EU Parliament’s latest report on migration and asylum, from 13 Aug 2020. The question which is begging to be asked is surely
“Where has all the money gone?”
How is it possible for the EU to throw many tens of billions at a problem for years — a lot of it being UK taxpayer money — and yet still have a massive problem with illegal immigration?
Britannia needs the UK Government onside if she is to rule the waves again
In light of the BBC’s absurd decision yesterday to “allow” Rule Britannia to be played — but not sung — at the last night of the Proms this year, we present the great English mezzo-soprano, Dame Sarah Connolly, with her majestic performance at the Albert Hall in 2009.
If the UK Government sticks to its word, the United Kingdom will finally be a fully-free, independent and sovereign nation on 01 January 2021. This is what the clear majority of the British people voted for more than four years ago in the EU Referendum. The UK Government and UK Parliament can then decide, based on the best interests of the British people, which laws the United Kingdom should implement to protect its own borders and to govern its own seas.
The Government might consider adopting the Australian solution. Under the government of Tony Abbott, in 2015 Australia stopped their own migrant problem in short order by turning back boats coming from Indonesia. Sadly the UK Government has to deal with the French government, which seems far less cooperative than the Indonesian government. Nevertheless, some pressure and a much stronger will must be applied if the appalling human trafficking trade from France is to be stopped.
The Government might find that the current situation with ‘yooman rights’ law preventing returns is no longer appropriate and a new, British human rights statute would be more appropriate. Indeed this might be one of the more popular policies it could implement, in order to start recovering from is falling ratings in the polls.
The UK could even lead the new global way
Perhaps the UK could even lead the way globally on this — huge numbers of people in other western democracies are sick to death of the current Marxist-Woke-Globalist nonsense from the UN, from the EU, and from their own governments. Mr Johnson could set the standard for a new, practical, human rights approach fit for the 21st Century.
[ Sources: EU Parliament | EU Commission | Eurostat | UK Home Office]