Let's nail a few Remain and EU lies, shall we?

Graham Charles Lear
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


One of the very many myths about the EU is that it has been responsible for the minimum statutory workers’ rights enjoyed in the UK today. This is often repeated, particularly by Labour and LibDem pro-Remain politicians and many of their Remain followers. The truth though is rather different.

So let's nail these lies once and for all.

Workers’ and women’s rights

1. EU workers’ rights laws are lower than the UK’s

UK statutory paid holiday entitlement is 28 days, in the EU only 20 days

National Minimum Wage Act 1998 — there’s no EU minimum wage law

Maternity leave — UK: 52 weeks, EU: 14 weeks

Under EU laws, the British people’s rights would decrease

2. UK established workers’ rights long before the EU

Protection against sex, race and disability discrimination in the UK pre-dated EU law” (from TUC report)

Women’s rights: Equal Pay Act, Abortion Act, and Divorce Reform Act were all passed before the UK even joined the EU

Sex Discrimination Act, the Domestic Violence Act, Employment Protection Act — no EU involvement

EU’s Posted Workers Directive means EU workers can be employed in the UK for fraction of the cost of UK workers

3. EU healthcare rights are way below UK standards

EU has no free healthcare requirement — most people pay for top-up private insurance

In France, it costs over £25 just for 5 minutes with your GP, paid at the time

In the ROI Cost of GP visit varies from €30 to €65 across State. A survey found the cheapest consultation was in Portumna, Co Galway, where patients can pay €30 to see a GP. The most expensive consultation was in Dublin, at €65.

The UK it's all free from the moment of birth to the moment you die and has been since 5 July 1948

In many countries, you pay and get only partially reimbursed later

4. Finally, workers’ rights are only relevant if you have work

In the Eurozone, austerity has taken the jobs of millions of workers

You’re nearly twice as likely to be out of work in the Eurozone

An entire young generation across southern Europe has been devastated by 30–50% unemployment for years

What is the Relevance to Brexit

The EU is insisting on a “level playing field” as part of the ‘Future Partnership’. In other words, it is trying to prevent the UK from operating as an independent country with its own taxation policies and other frameworks which would make the UK a more competitive country than those in the EU.

What could be a more obvious lack of a level playing field than that of UK businesses competing with businesses in the Single Market and Customs Union having a minimum wage 1/5th that of the UK? Or trying to compete with businesses which don’t face costs of higher holiday entitlements, or substantially longer maternity pay?

With a true, clean Brexit the British people and its Government will want to keep existing rights, but at least when the UK leaves it will be able to adopt sensible policies in other areas, to help British businesses compete.

Do Remainers want to go backwards?

The UK has chosen, through its elected representatives, to have workers’ rights which go well beyond those applicable under EU law.

It surprises us that Remainer MPs seem to want these workers’ rights rolled back to match the lower standards applicable in the EU…. However there we go that's Remain for you.

Do Remainer MPs want the UK to sink to the EU’s level?

Do they want no minimum wage legislation?

Do they want British workers to lose 8 day’s holiday pay?

Do they want women to lose 38 weeks’ paid maternity leave?

Seems that they do as they want to Remain in the EU



Graham Charles Lear
Graham Charles Lear

Written by Graham Charles Lear

What is life without a little controversy in it? Quite boring and sterile would be my answer.

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