It’s going to get a lot worse, wait until we leave and they lose what we contribute the French and quite a few others are going to have to pick up the slack, At the moment the total French contribution to the EU budget: € 16.234 billion
They receive back from that amount € 13.505 billion which mostly goes to the French farmers subsidizing them, that amount is going to have to drastically drop along with the amount they pay go up considerably.
This is why grab granny is putting up a tax on fuel which will bring in revenue. My guess is that grab a granny is trying to stave off even worse riots from the farmers, He can give a large proportion of that tax revenue to the farmers to keep them happy. It’s also no coincidence that they are rioting in Belgium again because of a rise in their fuel tax and today its spread to the Netherlands.
Quite a few people do not realize that it’s not just the British subscription the EU will lose but also the billions in Tariff revenue that we collect on behalf of them plus a portion of the VAT we all pay. It’s estimated that its around £80 billion a year.
That’s some slack that all the prosperous countrys are going to have to pick up.
What is more, I would put money on it that on the quiet in a locked room the EU and May have been talking about all this and the EU have pleaded with her to sabotage us leaving which she is doing. A far better British Prime Minister than the one we have who remember is a Remainer at heart would have put them to the sword. Its what I would have done and quite a few others would have done, she is a weak stupid woman who is trying to talk tough