I doubt the Germans will be happy little bunnies when they find in a couple of years they are all paying far more tax.
VAT and duties on what we all bought and was sent to the EU in the tax year ended Apr 2019
- VAT payments to the EU — £3.14bn
2. Customs payments to the EU — £2.64bn
3.Grand total £5.78 billion
They will have to get that money from someone and the Germans are well placed to pay a big portion of that.
That's just VAT and Tarifs. They will also have to find the following
Net payments to the EU for the tax year ended Apr 2019
Total gross amount of £21.0 billion
Less rebate and public sector receipts of £9.8 billion
Total net contribution to the EU = £11.2 billion
Then we have all the small add ons that few people know about. such as the Cohesion Fund’. Cohesion Fund’ is a £65 billion fund to help 15 EU countrys and we have paid £7billion into it and we are not allowed a penny of it back.
That is just one of dozens of small funds we Brits pay into £250million here £300 million there.
Then we have the new model army that they are fast-forwarding
- EU defence budgets rocketing — 50-fold increase in EU defence budget from Jan 2021
2. The defence budget will rise from €0.5bn (2014–2020) to €31.3bn (2021–2027)
3. Includes an ‘off-budget’ fund of €10.5bn, controlled by the EU’s de facto Defence Secretary
Someone will have to pick up the slack when we have gone, and I will tell you this Ian, those defence budgets are way off the mark. I could have spent £100billion in just half an hour and that's just in my area of expertise army equipment, there are another two branches that you have to spend billions on.
So good luck Jerry you are going to need it.