EU ramps up plans to centralize taxes

Graham Charles Lear
4 min readJan 21, 2019


New plans announced last week will mean tax rates imposed from Brussels.

How many of you knew this was happening

The EU’s “4 Steps to taxation without representation”

Almost unreported by the majority pro-EU British media, last week the EU Commission announced its proposals to continue the harmonization of taxes across the EU, to the detriment of British businesses and consumers.

Not only that, but it proposes that these should be agreed under the ‘Qualified Majority Voting’ system, which means that individual member states such as the UK would no longer have a veto.

Here is what the unelected EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker had to say.

“Our increasingly globalized economies need modern and ambitious tax systems. I remain strongly in favor of moving to qualified majority voting and a stronger voice for the European Parliament on the common future of taxation in our Union.”

Jean-Claude Juncker, EU Commission President, 15 Jan 2019


Step 1

“Member States would agree to move to qualified majority voting decision-making when it comes to measures that improve cooperation and mutual assistance between the Member States in fighting tax fraud, tax evasion, as well as for administrative initiatives for EU businesses, e.g. harmonized reporting obligations. These measures are usually welcomed by all Member States but are prone to be blocked for reasons unrelated to the issues at hand.”

Step 2

“Would introduce qualified majority voting as a useful tool to progress measures in which taxation supports other policy goals, e.g. fighting climate change, protecting the environment or improving public health.”

Step 3

“The use of qualified majority voting under Step 3 would help to modernize already harmonized EU rules such as VAT and excise duty rules. Faster decision-making in these areas would allow Member States to keep up with the latest technological developments and market changes to the advantage of EU countries and businesses alike.”

Step 4

“Step 4 would allow a shift to qualified majority voting for major tax projects, such as the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base and a new system for the taxation of the digital economy, that are urgently needed to ensure fair and competitive taxation in the EU. In particular, the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base is still progressing very slowly as a result of unanimity.”

“Today’s Communication suggests that the Member States consider developing Steps 3 and 4 by the end of 2025.”

Which begs the question which EU do Remainer MPs want to Remain in?

There is no status quo when it comes to the EU. They are forever wishing to expand their power over member states, and this is yet another example. OF which EU do the Remainer MPs want to Remain in?” The Commission’s latest proposals are a classic demonstration of why this question is so important.

We have yet to hear a single Remainer MP say one word about the EU’s plans to transform itself and take yet more power from its member states.

Please note that the Commission wants all four steps in place by 2025, meaning member states will no longer have a veto over taxation policies which they need in their own countries.

Now think on this for a moment, the Commission’s have plans for a ‘financial transaction tax’. Given that the bulk of financial transactions in the EU take place in the City of London, this would in effect be a tax on the UK.

The level of ignorance and apparent unwillingness to want to inform themselves is astonishing amongst Remainer MPs.

It’s one thing making arguments to Remain in the EU on the basis of knowledge of the facts. It’s quite another to continue to mislead the British public on an epic scale, without knowing what you’re talking about.

Why has this NOT BEEN REPORTED first by the Media, second by MPs from all Political parties



Graham Charles Lear
Graham Charles Lear

Written by Graham Charles Lear

What is life without a little controversy in it? Quite boring and sterile would be my answer.

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