Do you know this woman and who she is and what she does?
I didn’t and I have been following the EU for quite a number of years. Now. Imagine my surprise when I found out who she is and what she does. Actually, I am not surprised that much because this is how the EU operates, they put unelected people into top jobs that affect our everyday lives. Her name is Elżbieta Bieńkowska and she is the EU’s Single Market Commissioner.
However, she must be well qualified to do this job, a man who has a penchant for a pretty face would not on any account put her into a top job, would he?
Well let’s look at her qualifications shall we remembering she in one of the top jobs at the EU.
Ms. Bieńkowska’s Background:-
Education, Masters in Iranian Studies, Dept of Oriental Languages
Jobs, Previously only employed in Polish local and national government
Experience: She has no direct experience working in commerce or industry.
Her salary: Including allowances, she is paid over £290,000 p.a. gross — far more than our Prime Minister — plus her own chauffeur, plus generous pension, plus a very generous package when she leaves the office.
Let me ask you a question. Paid more than the Prime Minister, the public has a right to know about the unelected EU Commissioners who hold massive power over us. They affect the daily lives of 510 million people. Would you ever have voted for her knowing what you know now about her? Knowing that she has no experience whatsoever and all that she has done in her life is been employed in Polish local and national government.
Do you not find it surprising that none of us has seen the EU’s Single Market Commissioner on their TV screens, given all the talk about the Single Market during the Referendum campaign and in the two years since.
She’s held the job for 5 years. Can you recall a single BBC interview with her? If any Remain MP were asked, could they name her?
If membership of the Single Market is so important, how come this woman hasn’t been visiting the UK on a regular basis, promoting it? After all, the UK is the second-largest economy in the whole of the EU.
Furthermore, given that the Single Market has been panned for its performance in the services sector — where the UK excels — how is it that this woman hasn’t been trying to put that right? Or if she’s been trying, how is it that we don’t know about it and how is it that she’s failed?
EU Commissioners have immense power. Some readers might question whether Ms. Bieńkowska has the necessary experience and knowledge to wield it effectively and wisely.
The Single Market doesn’t work
In 2017 Ms. Bieńkowska announced that “the Single Market — this jewel that is all too often taken for granted — does not function properly for services”.
Given that services represent almost 80% of the UK economy, and that the Single Market has been going for over 25 years, this was an extraordinary admission.
The Single Market Commissioner has no experience of business. The Single Market is dysfunctional and much of it focuses on the needs of other EU countries, not the UK’s
Nevertheless, Remain MPs can’t stop talking about its alleged benefits, whilst never being able to quote any real facts about it.
Oh, by the way, I did not mention who gave her the job in the first place. It was EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. the king of unelected EU Bureaucrats.
Source EU Commission | OECD | EU Commission Bienkowska CV | EU Commission Bienkowska other commercial interests | EU Commission salaries guide | European Court of Auditors | Various news sites in Polish | Civitas study on EU salaries