“Adieu Theresa, and thanks for all the money”
How the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy has fed the French.
Why do the French receive more than any other EU member state?
the unpalatable vérité about the massive EU subsidies for French farmers.
How France eats up the huge EU funds for agriculture
France receives the most from the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
French CAP payments are proposed to be €62.3 billion for 2021–2027
That’s 17.5% of the total
It’s 43% larger than the next-largest payout, to Spain
Agriculture eats up 28.5% of the entire EU budget
UK farming accounts for just 0.5% of the UK economy
Who gets the UK taxpayers’ money?
By far the largest recipient of the agricultural funds is one of the wealthiest countries in the EU
The great Gallic gourmet feast
Last year, virtually unreported by the British broadcast media, the EU Commission published details of its the huge expenditure area known as the ‘Common Agricultural Policy’ (CAP).
Over 50% of payouts will go to the top 4 EU economies
France is the largest beneficiary of payouts by a long way, and they will receive €62.3 billion. This is 17.5% of the total payouts to each country. The payout to France is 43% larger than to the next-largest recipient, Spain.
The top 4 beneficiaries combined — France, Spain, Germany, and Italy — will receive over 50% of the total payouts under Common Agricultural Policy, leaving the remaining 23 countries with under half of the total to share between them.
The proportion of total EU funds applied to the Common Agricultural Policy has fallen, and in the EU Commission’s latest proposed budget it will stand at 28.5%.
28.5% is a big drop from 80% sixty years ago, but nevertheless, it’s still huge. It is the highest single area of the EU’s expenditure.
And yet the UK Government Dept for agriculture, DEFRA, stated last year that British agriculture is responsible for just 0.5% of UK GDP……
How the French farmer has gorged on the EU carcass
In its earliest days, the forerunner of the EU was a product of its time. The Second World War had ended only 12 years earlier and was still fresh in people’s minds. Much of the continent — like parts of the United Kingdom — was still a building site.
Critically, German guilt was an overt factor in much of the political thinking of the time, especially from the generation of post-war German politicians. This even exists today, but at a noticeably lower level. Back in the late fifties and sixties, it was much stronger.
When it came to structuring an economic and political grouping, the interests of France — defeated early in the war — were placed in front and center of the new organisation. And as a nation for whom agriculture was a dominant part of the economy, unsurprisingly a lot of the thinking and funding of the new European grouping went into this.
Over 80% of the money for agriculture
It is often overlooked that around 80% of the budget was directed into agriculture. Since then the ratio has gradually fallen, but this has been done in the face of regular and fierce opposition by the French.
The agricultural lobby still plays big in France. When was the last time you can remember British farmers blockading all the roads around London? Yet this still happens regularly to Paris and other French cities, when French farmers have a grievance.
Why is this important?
Take a step back with me. Are the British public and our MPs aware that over half of what they have given to the EU over the years has gone to agriculture and subsidising inefficient farmers? They may be vaguely aware that some of it did, but over half of it?
Surely even the new reduced proportion of 28.5% is far too high for an EU of the 21st century?
This is so disproportionate when you look at the interests of Britain that you begin to see why this whole thing was one great mismatch from the very start. It helps to explain so many things. For instance, why it is that the Single Market has never functioned for services — the biggest area of business for the UK?
The French invented “France first” long before President Trump campaigned on “America first”. In many ways, you have to admire the French for the way they’ve used the EU to their advantage. Readers might wish that the British government had done this for the United Kingdom. Despite what appears above I love France and I certainly don’t blame its governments for representing the interests of the country.
For Remain MPs I must just add something. There’s no point trying to say France has a bigger land mass than the UK. France’s population is roughly the same as the UK’s. In the current EU seven-year budget France is receiving more than double the CAP payments that the UK is getting. In what universe is that remotely reasonable?
Imagine what we could do for British farmers and our rural communities
if we weren’t subsidising French farmers and those of the other 26 member states?
The EU was always wrong for the UK at the most fundamental level
I contend that in 1973 the United Kingdom joined an organisation whose whole set of interests did not coincide with its own. This is demonstrated with the information I have provided over the last few months that the EU was always wrong for the UK at the most fundamental level
Remain MPs keep regurgitating their ignorance, misconceptions, and lies. For as long as I can I will keep shining the bright light of Brexit on them and provide ready ammunition for democratic pro-Brexit MPs along with you public and it’s demonstrable in the facts I have provided above on the EU’s largest single area of expenditure.
Remain MPs keep regurgitating their ignorance, misconceptions, and lies. For as long as I can I will keep shining the bright light of Brexit on them and provide ready ammunition for democratic pro-Brexit MPs.